Parker House Rolls

This weekend, I needed carbs. Well, what weekend (or day, really) passes by when I’m not craving carbs? Pretty much none… but this weekend I wanted something other than sweets. I know. Shocking.

So, I did something I’m really bad at doing… I tested a holiday recipe BEFORE the actual day of the holiday. Gasp!

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For major holidays, like Thanksgiving or Christmas, I always have a hard time with making rolls. With all the other cooking that’s going on, all the other baking dishes that are being used and fridge space that’s taken, getting a batch of homemade dinner rolls together is practically impossible for me. I almost always cheat and use the crescent rolls in a can, even though I’ve dog-eared about a dozen dinner roll recipes over the years.

So this weekend, I made the brilliant idea to test out a rolls recipe I’ve wanted to try. I made Parker House Rolls from Bon Appetit and I loved them! And now, I don’t want to save rolls for holidays anymore… No no no… Now I want to eat rolls with soft boiled eggs for breakfast, and stuff rolls in my face when I’m watching bad reality television after work. I should make them every week!

And these rolls are so good. Super buttery and small enough that you can completely justify eating three at a time, multiple times during the evening. (At least, that’s what I do…)


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